Saturday, May 30, 2009


I was flipping through channels and Khloe Kardashian was complaining she was ugly. Seriously, common on... you look gorgeous... little moody, but gorgeous. Khloe Kardashian, in my opinion, is not as ugly as people make her out to be either, seriously if I wasn't married I would make her a happy woman. Anyway, today pay it forward and tell someone they look good today = )

Friday, May 29, 2009

First Post and some dedications

So, I've decided to give this blogging thing a try after some very convincing persuasion from a very hilarious friend Forever True. Please visit her site - Forever True.
She is definitely keeps it real, classy and funny. So, my first post is dedicated to Forever True and to my Grandfather, who passed away last 4th of July. He was a big fan of Chuck Norris and if he was alive today would of enjoyed this article.

Much more to come!
Darth JBGator