Thursday, July 2, 2009

Solar Flare - US getting more green

As a big advocate for clean energy, I applaud the government for finally getting their act together on solar and wind power. By no means are they show stoppers when it comes to production in power, but it is a huge step in helping the United States become less independent on fossil fuels and creating much needed jobs (hopefully the jobs will be given to Americans).

Article 1
Article 2

Come to the darkside we know how to harness the sun and wind.

Darth JBGator

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sith Lord's prediction about the Orlando Magic

I do not know how Stan Van Gundy messed it up... but the Magic lost to the Lakers and ruined the Sith Lord's prediction. A twist of irony with the Cavs signing Shaq. Lebron needs someone if he will ever win a title. I always thought that person would be Kobe (in NY). The NBA draft was eventful last week with much of the hype going to the few blockbuster trades ... VC to Magic, Shaq to the Cavs and Jefferson to the Spurs. But who would of thought an 18 yr old Spanish point guard Rubio would steal the show going to the Timberwolves. I really hope Rubio stays oversees and continues growing till his rights expire in three years. He wants to play in a big market and he definitely has the skills. I remember watching him in the Olympics going wow, this kid is bringing old school basketball back into mainstream. 18 years old making grown men look silly.

He belongs in NY.

Come to the darkside the Knicks will get RUBIO!

Darth JBGator

2 Week Hiatus .. Top Ten Charitable Celebs

Hello everyone... it has been a busy two week hiatus from blogging, but I am back with a vengeance with the Top Ten Charitable Celebs ... Obama and Clinton are both on the list...I didn't think being a President was charity. Big props to Ellen... not only is she one of the funniest women in Hollywood, but she makes the most with her time when it comes to charity. Go Ellen! Time for an Ellen dance!

Come to the dark side we have a dancing Ellen Degeneres!

Darth JBGator

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Not to be confused with Darth JBGator

Many people have asked, is this you Darth JBGator...

The answer is no. It is another Sith Lord enjoying the Gator Walk. Go Gators!

Come to the darkside, we have the Gator Walk.

Darth JBGator

When the Force Choke Isn't Available in the Work Place

Sometimes you just have a bad day at work, the Darth Lord understands, but you must learn how to use the Force Choke...

It is much more effective and less barbaric than this below:

Come to the darkside, we have the force choke when dealing with scum.

Darth JBGator

GMC Trade Secrets - How to boil pasta

Having people over for dinner they always ask, "Darth, how do you always cook a great pasta dish?" Well it is simple and seeing how my Nonna (Grandma in Italian) does not have a YouTube how-to-video, I will ask the Sith Lord's often watched friend Tyler Florence to explain in GMC Trade Secrets - How To Boil Pasta. You always need to learn the basics before you can become a master.

Come to the dark side, we have great cooking.

Darth JBGator

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The real builders of America ... strapping it up again

I came home early tonight and NBC Nightly News was on with Brian Williams. It was the tail end of the cast and they played their What Works Segment. A true pay it forward story that shows what it takes to rebuild a community. Retired plumbers, electricians, etc. coming out of retirement to help rebuild the Midwest. Pay it forward guys... Job Well Done! Watch below and be touched to do better!

On another positive note, a good friend's father came home from the hospital. Let the healing begin at home. Keep fighting the good fight.

Magic will build up another victory tonight. Go Magic... Bring Kobe to NY!

Come to the darkside, we build and rebuild.

Darth JBGator

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Another Darth Lord Prediction

A few posts ago, I predicted with my great Sith powers that the Magic will win the NBA finals. The series is still favored to the Lakers, but I have faith Howard, Turk and Lewis will get the series even Thursday night. Good Luck Magic. Kobe please understand it is time for you to go home to the Garden.

For my next sinister prediction, I predict that Tim Tebow and Erin Andrews will officially be dating after the NFL Draft. Percy Harvin is still confused why Tim turns all the female attention away (me 2 for that matter)... read article.

Forever True if you are reading this, please go get me some juicy gossip on the real Superman... Tim Tebow.

I will concede Erin to you Tim...make this Gator and the GatorNation proud. Yes, I know I am married, but my wife would leave me in a NY minute for Derek Jeter, so all is fair in love & marriage.

College football really can not come soon enough.

Come to darkside, we have the hots for Erin Andrews.

Darth JBGator

College Football Can't Come Soon Enough

After a string of bad days for me and the fam, I needed to hear the speech. The speech of will and determination. The speech that makes us all yearn for college football season to start. The Gator Nation loves them some Tim Tebow. Go Gators, Get up and Go!

Come to the dark side, we have the will of Tim Tebow.

Darth JBGator

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Stars aligning and Murphy kicking me square

The stars are aligning as NBA 2K10 unleashes it's brand new commercial next week, with Kobe wearing a Knicks uniform. Now only if Murphy would stop kicking me square in the nuts and let the Magic win the NBA finals and stop mocking my prediction. Murphy is strong but the force is stronger. PS Forever True, do not be mad... I just need Kobe and Lebron to win some championships for NY.

Come to the darkside, we have Kobe Bryant.

Darth JBGator

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Wonderful Story ... Insert Tears Here

I wanted to share this wonderful story with everyone on my blog. There is a person in my life that is doing an amazing thing to help her father. She is working OT up the yin yang, doing side jobs and everything else in the middle to pay for her father's medical bills. I do not know that many people in their 20's who would do something like this... so today this person gets the torch. Great job. My challenge to the readers today... do something extraordinary today and sign up to volunteer at a hospital or a shelter.

On a different note, wtf is up with hospitals asking for money upfront from people who have insurance and have been paying all their bills on-time. Insert Force choke here for hospital administration and their shenanigans. Seriously, there needs to be some type of reform here for people who actually pay their bills.

Come to the Dark Side, we have volunteers.

Darth JBGator

Obama's Cyber Security

Obama's Cyber Security Plan has been the talk of the town in the last week for IT and business people, alike. Reading the 70+ document was very insightful, esp. cause the government realizes that cyber security can not be done alone in a vacuum, but together with the public and private sectors. The plan in the first 10 pages indicates some of the challenges. Darth JBGator gives the White House 2 thumbs up on Cyber Security Plan, but hopefully the Plan will actually bring the US in the 21st Century and be part of the defense layer for this country and not just blah blah blah policy. However, let us not forget the philosophy of Skynet, we do not need the machines controlling everything we do. So, Someone please tell Operah, so she can save the world from the machines ... "You get a gun, you get a gun and you win the rocket launcher!" Now that would be one funny episode of Operah. You know I had to talk about the Master and her apprentice in the same blog.

Come to the dark side, we have cyber security plan.

Darth JBGator

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Lakers vs Magic

Lakers vs Magic Series starts tomorrow and I am going to go out on a limb and say that Magic win it in 5 or at the most 6 games. Just follow the mantra... feed Howard all day long. The Magic kind of remind me of the 1994-1995 Houston Rockets. Only Hakeem was better than Howard in the post. Both teams follow the same formula (esp now for the Magic after the give me the ball campaign): Post up, if the double comes early let your shooters earn their $$$, double comes late ... take it to the rim and score or draw the foul. If you take Pau Gasol & Bynum out of the game early ... Kobe will have to have a killer 50-65 pt game where not even double teams can stop him. And I am pretty sure he will have 1.5 games where that happens, but still not enough for him to win a championship. Patrick Ewing (Asst Coach w/Magic) saw what Horry, Ellis and Cassel did to the Knicks in the Jordan-less years when they doubled Hakeem. As much as I hated Hakeem the basketball player (not the person) he made his money on the free-throw line, post-game and excellent passing skills out of the double team. If Superman is truly going to fly, Ewing and Gundy better show Howard some vintage Hakeem and Ewing. Go Magic, give Ewing his first championship ring.

Anyway, I have my motives for the Lakers and Cavs losing. I have this pipe dream that Lebron and Kobe end up in New York. I see your faces now... you have to be kidding Darth JBGator...what are you smoking...? But listen to my crazy rational... Both Kobe and Lebron know that each of the great dynasties had 2+ star caliber players to string their championships together. Lakers (Shaq&Kobe, Magic&Abdul-Jabar), Celtics (Russell, Bird), Bulls (Jordan, Pippen) and Spurs (Robinson, Duncan - Duncan,Parker,Ginoboli). Both follow the history of the game and both want to be legends in NBA History. Both have tried for 3 + years to get the championship by themselves. Shaq had it right... Lakers don't want me ... I am going to join forces with DWade and get me another one (if Wade didn't get hurt... Shaq would still be in Miami). It is time for Lebron and Kobe to join forces and amass multiple championships more than Jordan's 6. Jordan's six is the measuring cup for both Kobe and Lebron. Kobe needs 3, Lebron needs 6 more championships to tie Jordan. Those 2 on the floor together at the Olympics were just plain magical. The Lakers have already had a few dynasties, same for the Bulls, etc. Be a part of a dynasty in New York would make them iconic legends. Lebron + Kobe = 7 year dynasty in the NBA. The endorsements alone with overshadow the salary cap issue... so no arguments about salary cap. Post your comments, questions etc... Would love to hear them.

Come to the dark side, we have championships.

Darth JBGator

Monday, June 1, 2009

Scratch, sniff and pay it forward...

Reading a story to my son, yesterday called Tails. The book is pretty acute to all the senses, but I do not recommend the scratch and sniff. For some reason, common sense and me went two different ways and I decided to Scratch and Sniff the Skunk Tail. Nothing will ever smell the same to me again. Why would one put this in a children's book? What are they suppose to learn that scratch and sniff is disgusting? Or that skunk's smell bad? I am definitely going to think twice on the whole scratch and sniff shenanigans before I scratch and vomit. Unless, I am scratching and sniffing ... Megan Fox ...
2 posts in a row and I am talking about other women, my wife is going beat me up (finally some affection, just kidding). I love me some WIFEY... reminder get babysitter this Saturday.

I promised Forever True, I would talk about paying it forward tonight in the blog... As promised: At work today the crew had a really great talk about how in South Florida there is never alot of stories about paying it forward advertised or witnessed. In the Midwest and West it happens so much it is on the nightly news... so big props to the people in St. Marys in WPB for giving a special kid a beautiful blanket. Love hearing about that at lunch today. Yes, they convinced the Sith Lord to eat Chinese Food! I got my General Tao's grub on.

So my mission to everyone who reads my blog is to help someone without asking for a thank you and like the NIKE slogan says, "Just Do It!" Do what it takes to bring someone you do not know or someone you do know a smile. Report back the stories here, twitter, facebook or wherever and get the word around... it's time to do the GOOD DEED!

Come to the Dark Side we have SUSHI!

Darth JBGator

Saturday, May 30, 2009


I was flipping through channels and Khloe Kardashian was complaining she was ugly. Seriously, common on... you look gorgeous... little moody, but gorgeous. Khloe Kardashian, in my opinion, is not as ugly as people make her out to be either, seriously if I wasn't married I would make her a happy woman. Anyway, today pay it forward and tell someone they look good today = )

Friday, May 29, 2009

First Post and some dedications

So, I've decided to give this blogging thing a try after some very convincing persuasion from a very hilarious friend Forever True. Please visit her site - Forever True.
She is definitely keeps it real, classy and funny. So, my first post is dedicated to Forever True and to my Grandfather, who passed away last 4th of July. He was a big fan of Chuck Norris and if he was alive today would of enjoyed this article.

Much more to come!
Darth JBGator